Escrevemos a letra completa de “Open/Close”
![RHCP Brasil](
Com a ajuda de Deborah Marchini, escrevemos no Forum RHCP Brasil a letra de “Open/Close” onde Anthony Kiedis cita uma aventura no Brasil. Contamos também com a ajuda de James Slovak, irmão de Hillel, que nos informou qual era o carro do Hillel que Anthony cita na música.
Como Anthony Kiedis sempre diz, as letras que ele escreve são de livre interpretação então cada pessoa pode interpreta-la da forma que se sentir feliz.
A minha interpretação sobre a “história” no Rio de Janeiro eu publiquei no fórum mas vou resumi-la ao final do post.
Transcrição: Altair Pereira Santos, Deborah Marchini (RHCP Forum Brasil)
Agradecimento: James Slovak e Quezia Cristina
So we were down in Brasil and
And that place is wild, we were in Rio de Janeiro.
And we had this sort of a security guard, tough guy,
And he was supposed to take us around
I said hey could, you know, could you take us to the…
The favelas and show us the prostitution and the drug deals and the night fights and
You know, the street life of your town
He said: “sure” so we, we pull up to this hooker and
She’s wearing this kind of a bright green mini skirt.
And it turns out it’s a transexual.
I said He says: “get over here” and she comes over and she thinks she’s busted.
But she’s not busted, no she’s not busted.
We He just wanted to smack her in the ass a few times.
I And say, hey what’s up girl…
I get out of bed
And I clear up my head
I don’t want to go
But I do it instead
We are dreams
Within a dream
I get into bed
And I turn off my head
I started to float
Was it something she said
We are dreams
Within a dream
…So I remember we got our driver’s license
And my friend Hillel had this little Datsun painted green and in…
Hollywood we get so crazy in the winter
The rains would come and the hills would just kind of melt down into the city lights and
Well you know we’d smoke weed and we’d go up in the hills
And we’d listen to progressive rock music
And just kind of trip out and
Well we were dreaming, you know, we were dreaming
And we were talking about what we wanted to do
And we were talking about girls and music and…
You know, Hillel wanted to be a rock star
I didn’t even know what that was and I was like:
“whatever you want to do man, I’m coming with you, I’m right with you my friend”
Why in the world would you want it to be
Why would you wanna take it so, so little really literally
All this things that come down from the sky
Raining upon your head
Make me stop and wonder why
Can I just spell it out, make it clear
Make it easy to read
For the simple man like me?
I don’t think so
I reached out to my family and I said:
“It’s not about religion and the god
Sitting in the chair in the sky
With a punishing hand”, no
It’s about heaven in your heart
Now, when can we start?
I wanna choose love instead of fear
Won’t you come right now over here
And we come now
Let me make it easy this time
I love you
Acredito que a parte em que ele cita o Brasil, Rio de Janeiro e favela seja um sonho que ele teve*, e logo depois do refrão que diz “somos sonhos dentro de outro sonho”, ele se lembra da época que saia com Hillel Slovak pra ficar “chapado” e sonhar com o que eles queria fazer da vida, sonhavam com garotas, música e em ser rock star.
*ou foi algo que acontece em 92 na época do Hollywood Rock, pois em todas passagens da banda pelo Brasil de 99 pra cá não temos nenhuma notícia de uma visita deles a alguma favela.